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This is the documentation for the Ad360 Campaign Manager API. You can find out more about Ad360 at
Ad360 is a Next-Generation Media Buying Platform. It is an advertising platform giving you tools to set up, manage and optimize your advertising campaigns across multiple advertising channels (search, social, programmatic display & video). It harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to deliver better results to your advertising campaigns so that your business outcomes are maximized.
Before being able to use the Ad360 product, you need to sign the Ad360 Master Services Agreement and go through the onboarding process. This is to ensure that the platform is calibrated according to your needs. The first step before being able to use the Ad360 platform is to get in touch with the Ad360 Sales Team. To do so, we recommend using the "CONTACT US" form in the Ad360 website: Explain your needs in the form and the Sales team will get back to you. After signing the Ad360 Master Service Agreement, you will receive the onboarding instructions to access the Ad360 platform. To receive an API key, please let the Sales team or your Ad360 Account manager know that you request access to the API and they will walk you through the API onboarding process.
If you don't know where to start with Ad360, you should visit our Help center: The Ad360 Help Center contains guides and articles, including a step-by-step guide to get you up & running and learn how to use Ad360, its Campaign Manager console and API. If you require additional help, you can submit a request to Ad360 Support team on any page of the Help Center thanks to the '(?) Help' button. You can also create a ticket directly from this page:
Retrieves the Auth Token using username and password.
x-api-key required | string |
Username and Password.
username | string |
password | string |
200 response
400 response
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "token": "eyJraWQiOiJ4djVKNm10eUVvSkVFXC8ydXRCYjJnc1ZiWkJBV2dXRUw2aFgwQlllbWNsdz0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.LEf-wLRth6ZWP6B3npTVVy9INMAHJYwB1FPsRN8dMTdF4jl2gOCCE5cK04SlJi-HiAGa9iiCu4ikkIzNfLbjF9j-5yN7QvDMD-5SImLSzJANMs-Rtf2IIPZy4PHpaeEMG2XcuJVPWWOLCw_d7FfTpiF7etSodpp91SjVmgYRs7KULxeZfQ4XnVehlNF69RO6epzt-IjKmnLkoKHu4BLeUts7ettiv_EVEXOzdrDJYgGxQ4_XZnriCnsLXS2_RilugYaXfJEdcQb1B8NqTeBWcBa00nX9kZ5HwTGi1YUKaaAL6Ok2CJvcNYeLXdTboZdaMHTly1h5W8qzEPDnf6CUqw"
Creates an account which contains advertisers and their related objects. Each account has a separate set of users, which can only access the advertisers belong to that account.
200 response
400 response
{- "data": {
- "id": "2a032a87-fea7-43e2-bdca-cb4acbacecf4",
- "advertiserId": "1314cfbb-02cc-42de-bd9e-27d605250291",
- "campaignName": "Sainsburry",
- "budget": 12502,
- "bidding": {
- "biddingType": "CPM",
- "value": 21
}, - "frequencyCap": {
- "frequencyType": "Hourly",
- "frequency": 2
}, - "pacingCap": {
- "frequencyType": "Daily",
- "pacing": 252
}, - "startDate": 1571785200000,
- "endDate": 1574812800000,
- "active": false,
- "dateCreated": 1571851797049,
- "dateUpdated": 1571851797049
Retrieves the list of accounts.
lastKeyAgencyId required | string |
lastKeyDateUpdated required | integer <int64> |
length required | integer <int32> |
term | string |
200 response
400 response
{- "recordsFiltered": 500,
- "data": [
- {
- "parentId": "6a999796-a313-4d41-983e-fa6e0feba9bc",
- "id": "6a999796-a313-4d41-983e-fa6e0feba9bc",
- "agencyName": "Adventure Media France Updated",
- "approvalStatus": "Approved",
- "creditLine": 100,
- "balanceDue": 0,
- "periodMediaCost": 0,
- "periodFees": 0,
- "periodTotalMediaCost": 0,
- "margin": 0.071,
- "paymentTerms": "Net60",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "activitySummary": {
- "impressions": 28919,
- "clicks": 10790,
- "postViewConversions": 0,
- "postClickConversions": 0,
- "totalConversions": 0,
- "mediaCost": 25.771395041797078,
- "platformFees": 0.5154279008359415,
- "mediaFees": 0.25771395041797074,
- "adservingFees": 2.8919,
- "margin": 3.1286401900487864,
- "totalMediaSpend": 29.436436893050992,
- "videoViews25": 0,
- "videoViews50": 0,
- "videoViews75": 0,
- "videoViews100": 0,
- "CPM": 1.0178926274439293,
- "CPC": 0.0027281220475487483,
- "CPA": 0,
- "CTR": 0.3731111034268128,
- "CPV": 0
}, - "AD360": {
- "impressions": 28919,
- "clicks": 10790,
- "postViewConversions": 0,
- "postClickConversions": 0,
- "totalConversions": 0,
- "mediaCost": 25.771395041797078,
- "platformFees": 0.5154279008359415,
- "mediaFees": 0.25771395041797074,
- "adservingFees": 2.8919,
- "margin": 3.1286401900487864,
- "totalMediaSpend": 29.436436893050992,
- "videoViews25": 0,
- "videoViews50": 0,
- "videoViews75": 0,
- "videoViews100": 0,
- "CPM": 1.0178926274439293,
- "CPC": 0.0027281220475487483,
- "CPA": 0,
- "CTR": 0.3731111034268128,
- "CPV": 0
}, - "currentActivitySummary": {
- "impressions": 28919,
- "clicks": 10790,
- "postViewConversions": 0,
- "postClickConversions": 0,
- "totalConversions": 0,
- "mediaCost": 25.771395041797078,
- "platformFees": 0.5154279008359415,
- "mediaFees": 0.25771395041797074,
- "adservingFees": 2.8919,
- "margin": 3.1286401900487864,
- "totalMediaSpend": 29.436436893050992,
- "videoViews25": 0,
- "videoViews50": 0,
- "videoViews75": 0,
- "videoViews100": 0,
- "CPM": 1.0178926274439293,
- "CPC": 0.0027281220475487483,
- "CPA": 0,
- "CTR": 0.3731111034268128,
- "CPV": 0
}, - "AD360": {
- "impressions": 28919,
- "clicks": 10790,
- "postViewConversions": 0,
- "postClickConversions": 0,
- "totalConversions": 0,
- "mediaCost": 25.771395041797078,
- "platformFees": 0.5154279008359415,
- "mediaFees": 0.25771395041797074,
- "adservingFees": 2.8919,
- "margin": 3.1286401900487864,
- "totalMediaSpend": 29.436436893050992,
- "videoViews25": 0,
- "videoViews50": 0,
- "videoViews75": 0,
- "videoViews100": 0,
- "CPM": 1.0178926274439293,
- "CPC": 0.0027281220475487483,
- "CPA": 0,
- "CTR": 0.3731111034268128,
- "CPV": 0
}, - "active": true,
- "dateCreated": 1583224296779,
- "dateUpdated": 1583224296850
], - "lastKeyAgencyId": "6a999796-a313-4d41-983e-fa6e0feba9bc",
- "lastKeyDateUpdated": 1583224296850,
- "recordsTotal": 1000
Gets the account identified by the accountId passed in the request path.
accountId required | string |
200 response
400 response
{- "parentId": "6a999796-a313-4d41-983e-fa6e0feba9bc",
- "id": "6a999796-a313-4d41-983e-fa6e0feba9bc",
- "agencyName": "Adventure Media France Updated",
- "approvalStatus": "Approved",
- "creditLine": 100,
- "balanceDue": 0,
- "periodMediaCost": 0,
- "periodFees": 0,
- "periodTotalMediaCost": 0,
- "margin": 0.071,
- "paymentTerms": "Net60",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "activitySummary": {
- "impressions": 28919,
- "clicks": 10790,
- "postViewConversions": 0,
- "postClickConversions": 0,
- "totalConversions": 0,
- "mediaCost": 25.771395041797078,
- "platformFees": 0.5154279008359415,
- "mediaFees": 0.25771395041797074,
- "adservingFees": 2.8919,
- "margin": 3.1286401900487864,
- "totalMediaSpend": 29.436436893050992,
- "videoViews25": 0,
- "videoViews50": 0,
- "videoViews75": 0,
- "videoViews100": 0,
- "CPM": 1.0178926274439293,
- "CPC": 0.0027281220475487483,
- "CPA": 0,
- "CTR": 0.3731111034268128,
- "CPV": 0
}, - "AD360": {