Grow your store sales Ad360 helps merchants of all sizes boost their sales! We are the easiest way to create relevant online ads and bring buyers to your store.
Shopify App

Free Audit offered by Ad360 App for Shopify

Do it all within one App, directly on Shopify.

Easily create ads, implement retargeting, manage multiple platforms, see results, get creatives and much more.

The Ad360 team is here to help you succeed. A Free Audit is available when you install the App, to help you grow your store.

Shopify App

Easily start advertising your 'collections'

Ad360 App for Shopify leverages the Automated Collections feature of Shopify so that you can automatically advertise for all the products that sit in the Automated Collection that you've chosen for each campaign.

Generate advertising banners automatically

Ad360 App for Shopify automatically and instantly builds creatives banners for your ads. The Product details such as the image, price and title are automatically retrieved from your Shopify store. It's instantaneous, and very easy.

Run ads on multiple platforms

Ad360 helps you manage and optimize your digital advertising campaigns on multiple platforms such as Menadex, Google, Facebook, Instagram, and others. You can manage them all from one place even if they're running on different platforms.

Ask us any question. We're here to help!

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