Creating relevant content for your store

what content can you create?

If you keep hearing about Content being King, but you’re not sure how to proceed and what to add to your e-commerce website, this video is made for you.

We’re reviewing a great shop, selling Norse and Vikings-inspired products. They’ve added additional and relevant content, both in their product pages in within their blog.

This will help with both conversion rate on the site, and with organic traffic generation through search engines.

See how they did it:

How to create relevant content for your e-commerce website

Ad360 hits 250 monthly clicks from Google!

google search impact: 250 clicks

Ad360 just received a new badge from Google highlighting the fact that we got 250 clicks in 28 days from search traffic!

That’s the 1st time we get that many clicks – almost 10 per day!

What’s even more striking is that we had gotten our previous badge, the 100 clicks highlight, in mid-May 2022.

Considering we started producing regular content on the website in January 2022, it means it took us 5 months to reach 100 monthly clicks, but only one month and a half then to more than double this record!

Here is our secret: regular content production!
Almost every day (from Monday to Friday; in our experience posts on Saturday and Sunday get less traffic), we publish a new article in this blog to provide tips to business owners, to help them with online sales, website tips, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) knowledge, advertising and marketing best practices, e-commerce news review, and much more.

We also regularly publish content in our YouTube channel ‘Ecommerce Success by Ad360’ to help you and your business succeed.

Here are a few videos we recently published about Google search, organic traffic generation, search algorithms update, and SEO best practices:

Feel free to subscribe to the YouTube channel to get daily videos with a ton of free tips!

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3 reasons why Google Reviews matter a lot!

5-stars review image

Google Reviews are an essential way to get more visibility online. These are the reviews left by people on your Google My Business profile, with a rating out of 5 stars, and a comment. Users can add photos too to their reviews (and you should encourage them to do so if you’re selling products!).

These reviews are super important for many reasons!

First of all, they show other people that your business is well respected and liked!

Secondly, more and more people are using these reviews to get more insights about a company and their products & services before making a purchase decision.

Thirdly, they are increasingly taken into account by Google’s search algorithms to determine your rank on Search Engine Response Pages (SERP).

These reviews appear on the right hand side of the search results when users type your business name, or find you from a keyword if you’re sufficiently highly ranked. They are also prominently featured on Google Maps, which can be a great channel to acquire new customers!

That’s why you should definitely ask your customers to leave reviews whenever possible!

This is what we do at Ad360, and we’re super proud and thankful to our customers that they left us our 10th 5-star reviews this week.