3 marketing techniques to increase revenue

3 marketing techniques to increase revenue

Welcome to Ecommerce Success by Ad360, the channel where we share tips, news, best practices to help business owners be happy, productive, and successful!

In today’s video, we’re reviewing a website shared on Reddit.

Firstly, they are doing a lot of things right! The website is beautiful, the content is great, the brand feels personal and relatable, and the products are beautiful!

In the video, we review the website, explaining how the business owner applied e-commerce website design best practices to make an efficient store.

Secondly, we review a free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool from Google to evaluate the page performance score. This matters increasingly as Google search engine results are now ranked partially based on the page experience (including loading speed).

Lastly, the video introduces 3 marketing concepts which are proven to increase revenue considerably, and which we believe could be hlpful for this website:

1/ Value & pricing ladder

2/ Price anchoring

3/ Compromise effect

Ssuccessful companies like Apple or Netflix use these marketing techniques to increase the average order value and their sales.

3 Marketing TECHNIQUES to INCREASE revenue

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