10x more Efficient Video Ads

Targeted Video Ad

How can Smaller Businesses Achieve the Same Value for Their Ads?

For most business owners, talking about a $6.5 million Super Bowl advertisement may seem like a moot point. Few companies, even large ones, are willing to dole out that kind of cash for a single 30-second ad spot. However, there are ways online to achieve even better CPM, regardless of the size of your business. To get the highest-value CPM, business owners online need to streamline whom they reach: it simply is cost-ineffective to blast out ads randomly across the web. There are three key traits business owners can target to raise the value of their ad dollars spent:

  1. Targeting customers based on precise geographic location
  2. Targeting customers who have explicitly expressed interest in stores like your yours
  3. Retargeting “likely customers” who have already browsed your store once before

By showing ads to these highly targeted groups of customers online, even local business owners can achieve a similar CPM on their ad dollars as major brands do at the Super Bowl – perhaps even better!!

Digital Video Ads: The Most Cost-efficient Way for Small Businesses to be Seen on TV

Traditional business owners may be unaware that they can run these highly targeted ads on smart TV apps – welcome to the big screen!! When picturing TV promotions, most business owners probably think of local car salesmen running 30-second spots on cable.

Now, businesses can run remarkably efficient ads on Smart TV apps, like Netflix, Hulu, Roku, and so forth. That technology really exists! Your products can be seen on the family’s big screen when folks settle in to Netflix and chill. In fact, with the technology available to target such specific groups of customers, digital video ads are arguably the most cost-effective ad formats available to business owners today. 

For example, imagine you are a local shop owner, and so you only want to pay for ad space that reaches your neighborhood – literally a couple of blocks. Furthermore, within that neighborhood, you only want your digital smart ad to be seen by those who have expressed interest in products like yours, through social media or other shared information. If you were, say, a medical apparel company, you could target local families with individuals working in the medical field – and not waste a cent more on anyone elseThat is the secret to making digital video ads so cost-effective. The surgical precision on where and when to spend your ad dollars is made so much more efficient with this “smart ad” marketing strategy.

We recorded a video to explain in more details how this is possible:

These “hypertargeting” promotional tools save business owners from shooting blanks with their ad spots. That is why we at Ad360 can claim that our marketing sales apps could make your advertisements 10x more efficient. Instead of spending money showing ads to people who will quickly ignore and scroll past, all your resources are concentrated on the very specific groups of customers very likely to take an interest in your Shopify store!

Having trouble figuring out how exactly you’d do that? Contact Ad360 for a free demo and 24/7 support today. Ad360 is a fully automated promotional platform that streamlines all your ad campaigns to one place. We can set up your highly targeted ad campaigns, find the best customers… and then you can brag not only about knowing the CPM of Super Bowl ads next year. You can celebrate sales of your Shopify store multiplying several times over – that’s what we call a game-changer.

Contact Ad360 for a free demo today!